Fish / Seafood
Although I love fish these days, I used to hate it. When I was younger I was kind of mentally allergic to fish. The main reason is that my family (which consisted of me, my three consistently hungry and growing brothers, my carpenter father who worked outside in all weathers even in blizzards wearing only his shirt, and my working mother). Raising a big family means many mouths to feed and that means a lot of money to be spent on food. In those days fish was the cheapest food you could get and usually a neighbour or an uncle gave you loads of fish he had caught fresh that day. The fish was so fresh it was literally still kicking. My late grandfather was a chef on a fishing boat and every day he drank fish-water i.e. he cooked the fish in water, ate the fish and drank the water the fish was cooked in. Said it made him healthy.

A Simple Fish Soup
This soup is both very simple to make and cheap and perfect mid week, especially when you have a bit of cooked leftover fish in the fridge.

Baked Salmon Skin
Yes really, baked salmon skin!!! You might think that I have gone absolutely mad but bear with me here. I can promise you that once you taste this, you won't ever throw out salmon skin again.

Chickpeas and Tuna Patties with Yoghurt Dressing
These are quick and easy to make since most of the ingredients go into the food processor.

Coconut and Salmon Noodle Soup
This soup is the perfect one to make if you have a bit of leftover salmon in the freezer or fridge.

Fish Patties
I know that these should be named Fish Cakes rather than Patties...I just can not name anything with fish in it Cake-anything. I refuse to do it!

Haddock in Coconut Sauce with Basil and Cherry Tomatoes
Basil and tomatoes are not the first ingredients that come to mind when cooking haddock but this combination works really well.

Lobster Soup (Bisque)
I am not particularly fond of lobster or shrimp although I might eat it a couple of times a year. My husband however loves both.

Mediterranean Seafood Soup
This soup is quite versatile as you can use various types of seafood. I particularly like mussels and salmon or haddock in it.

Mexican Style Haddock
Now, Mexican and Haddock might not be two words you would expect to see in the same sentence but to be honest this is a perfect match.

Mussels and Potato Soup
In Iceland lots of people pick fresh mussels from the coastline. There are several places you can do this and one very popular is in the South-western part of the island.

Pasta with Smoked Salmon or Trout
My family has access to a lake in the Icelandic wilderness. It is only accessible by 4x4 and then by foot. This lake is surrounded by mountains.

Shrimp Salad
This is a classic, Icelandic salad, served with bread, on crackers, as sandwich fillings and often when there is a gathering of people such as for birthdays.

Swahili Shrimps in Coconut Sauce
My brother Borgar and his wife Elín own a travel company, Afríka Ævint

Swahili Style Halibut with Peanut Sauce
There is a strong Swahili influence in this recipe because by the Indian Ocean (especially in Kenya) you will find ingredients such as ginger, garlic, onion, tomatoes, peppers and fish.

Thai Fish Patties with Sesame Dressing
These are absolutely delightful and perfect if you have any frozen left over salmon in your fridge. The recipe itself is easy to prepare since most of the ingredients go into a food processor.

Thai Noodle Soup with Shrimp
This soup is so good and it is fairly quick if you can get your hands on some decent Thai green curry paste. The ones that are sold in health food stores are usually quite nice.

Tuna and Pasta in Tomato Sauce
I have often ordered Tuna pasta at Italian restaurants but had never considered making it at home. I always thought it was so complicated.

Tuna Salad
When preparing my husband's lunch I am always trying to maintain a balance of complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats.

Tuna Steaks and Noodles with Ginger and Tamari Dressing
This is the perfect meal for those who are trying to eat healthy yet lightly.