Energy Bars / Trail Food
I always make my own energy bars. The ones you can buy from supermarkets are usually rubbish unless they are organic and made with the finest ingredients. Some energy bars you can buy from health food stores are actually quite nice. Some however are so synthetic that would keep for at least 200 years without them going bad. I would never put anything like that into my body, ever. The same goes for packaged trail food (the ones that look quite nice on the package but taste disgusting and are so synthetic they don't even taste like proper food). Since energy bars and trail food is so expensive in Iceland I make my own and because we hike a lot (especially my husband) I have saved us a lot of money as well.

Australian ANZAC Biscuits
I have read several stories about the origin of the ANZAC Biscuits (never to be called cookies) and some myths are prevalent.

Banana, Date and Almond Bars
Have you ever experienced buying some healthy energy bars only to discover that they taste appalling? I have and I get really angry when that happens.

Date and Nut Bar
I make my own energy bars because a) it is cheaper than buying them and b) I like to know what I am putting into my body.

Flap Jack (Power Bar)
I love home made muesli bars (flap jacks) as much as I detest the junk you can find in some stores. Often this junk is labelled ("energy bars", "power bars" or something equally wrong).

Muesli with Dried Fruits, Nuts and Seeds
My husband once told me that there was one particular restaurant in the world he would like to try, and that he had read some great reviews on it.

Oatmeal Biscuits
I love oatmeal biscuits, unfortunately they are not available in Iceland (at least not my favourite kind which is Nairns).

I don't understand people that can go to work or school on an empty stomach. It is like driving your car without you wouldn't do that would you?

Power Bars with Carob Frosting
These are fantastic power bars, ones that I make very often for me and my husband. They are packed with healthy mono-unsaturated fats, protein, complex carbohydrates and slow releasing energy.

Power Bars with Chocolate Protein Frosting
My husband says he can't go through the day without having at least one or two of those. Which is why I always make a large batch and keep in the fridge.

Protein Frosting for Protein Bars
If you are making protein bars and want added protein and some sweetness, you can make this protein frosting. It is actually like a frosting on cakes but only a little healthier.

Protein Super Bars
These power bars are absolutely packed with protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy mono-unsaturated fats and well....power. You will almost fell like a superhero when eating these.

Simple Trail Noodle Soup
I know it is probably much quicker buying ready made trail food but let me tell you...most of what is sold out there is rubbish.

Trail Casserole with Couscous
The picture accompanying this recipe is taken in the Scottish Highlands were we once went on a hike. It was marvellous.

Trail Mix
This is the perfect trail mix and much cheaper than buying ready made trail mix from a health food store.

Wild Mushrooms and Noodles Trail Soup
Me and my husband are keen hikers. We love nothing more than packing our bags on a Friday evening, heading into the Icelandic wilderness.